Vaccine Dangers

Updated 06/23/2020

(NOTE: The NEW Covid-19 vaccine will not be tested for safety and will be rushed to market and will contain aborted baby DNA. Be careful and make fully informed vaccine decisions.)

Every medical procedure has its risks, vaccines included. As the number of vaccines recommended continues to increase, so do the adverse events. The current schedule recommens 36 vaccines by 18 months old and by high school, 72 vaccines.  Many doctors refuse to acknowledge or identify common adverse events. Parents are often dismissed and told that the vaccine is not responsible for the reaction. The parents continue to vaccinate their children not understanding that their children are in danger and are vulnerable to vaccine injury. With each shot, the child suffers additional insult and eventually, the child may end up with permanent vaccine neurological damage.

When Congress passed the Vaccine Assistant Act in 1965, they began to protect the vaccine manufacturers from all liability. In 1991 the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System was founded in Washington where the government keeps track of the adverse events reported. Before 1991, there was no place to report adverse events even though we had been vaccinating since the 1930s. Only 1% of all injuries are reported.

In 1986, the National Vaccination Compensation System was set up to compensate the families of injured children. By 1991, they settled over 1.2 Billion in injury/death lawsuits filed.  To date, 2019, they have paid over 6 Billion for vaccine injury. The fund is financed from a 75cent tax on every vaccine given, the vaccine manufacturers are off the hook! This system, I believe, has removed the check and balance system that would ensure the safety of vaccines. Children are dying and only 1% of the injuries are being reported!  More American babies die the first day of life than in any other modern country.

Why are many doctors reluctant to identify adverse events? I believe it is because they profit off the program.  Over the last 40 years, I have heard this story more times than I can count…parents take the baby home after vaccines and the child is extremely upset, suffering from a fever, high pitched screaming (now associated with encephalopathy or brain swelling) and is inconsolable. Upon going to the emergency room or back to the doctor they are told that this is not related to the vaccines. Some babies suffer from seizures and even minor stokes all which go unnoticed by the medical physician. The doctor admitting that a child suffered an adverse event could undermine the faith and trust necessary for the parents to continue vaccinating. Unless it is life-threatening, the doctors say that it is normal and common… but is it safe? Could it be a sign of a more serious problem? How does it affect the baby in the long run?

After talking to thousands of parents across the country, the same story emerges: My child was well until we went in for our well-baby vaccines and then he had a high fever, was crying uncontrollably, was lethargic, very agitated and irritability, had a skin rash, refused to eat and then a change in his personality…that was the day we lost our little boy. Most doctors do not acknowledge adverse events is it could be self- incriminating.

After 40 years of independent vaccine research, I believe that our children are in grave danger. Not only are the American children suffering from chronic illnesses like autism, ADHD, learning problems, asthma, diabetes, depression, and obesity, but many of these problems are the result of adverse events after a toxic load given through the vaccines. We do 3X more vaccines than any other country in the world, shouldn’t our children be the healthiest?