Speaking Engagements

Mary is now booking 2025

COVID Jab for kids?  The health of our pediatric population continues to decline and currently 54% are chronically ill and medicating. Senior citizens are suffering with dementia and Alzheimer disease and if this trend doesn’t change, our country will never be great!

Medical Freedom and religious vaccine rights are threatened. People are confused and scared. The media talk about “life-threatening” diseases and cause hysteria. Are the outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and chickenpox due to vaccine refusal or vaccine failure? 

Please contact Mary at mary@marytocco.com  or call 843-708-3878 with your date and location to invite her to present at your conference.  (Continuing Education Credits are available).

  Mary’s guarantee: You will be empowered to make informed healthcare decisions for you and your children with confidence!

Mary’s Passionate Presentations:

Natural Immune System, Supporting Development in Childhood and Beyond –   (2 1/2 – 3 Hours)   NEW 2024 Lecture will help parents provide a healthy, nurturing home and will discuss healthcare options to help heal those who are injured or suffering with chronic illnesses. Mary will introduce functional, medical options and equip parents who are seeking alternatives to traditional medical care.

Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights (2-4 hours) This talk covers all the important information to assist in making educated vaccine decisions. Mary discusses the difference between natural immunity and vaccine immune suppression, vaccine production (including aborted fetal tissue) and ingredients, the real autism connection, vaccine failure, vaccine shedding (spreading), chronic illness in children related to the vaccines and much more. You will learn more than 99% of the doctors know! This evidence-based, jaw-dropping presentation, based on thousands of hours of research, will educate and empower you with confidence.

Raising Children Nature’s Way (2-4 hours) Parents are now seeking natural ways to raise children avoiding toxins in all areas of life! This lecture will empower them like no other! Mary will discuss all of the environmental risk factors now affecting this generation of children including problems in conception and pregnancy, genetic sensitivities, traumatic birth consequences, birth options food, air, water and other environmental toxins in the home and much more. This can be a 1/2 day lecture or a whole day boot-camp!

Staying Fabulously Healthy as You Age (2-3 Hours)  NEW 2024 Lecture: There are fundamental keys to health and Mary will share what she does to stay vibrantly healthy!  This lecture is based on a natural health approaches. She discusses internal detoxification and a pro-active lifestyle of wellness.

COVID Jab for kids? (2 1/2 hour) The health of our pediatric population continues to decline and currently 54% are chronically ill and medicating. Senior citizens are suffering with dementia and Alzheimer disease and if this trend doesn’t change, our country will never be great! The New COVID-SARS2 VACCINE IS NOT SAFE, has not been properly studied and people are dying and being injured!  This is a national crisis and what you don’t know CAN hurt you! Medical Freedom and religious vaccine rights are threatened. People are confused and scared. The media talk about “life-threatening” diseases and cause hysteria. Are the outbreaks of measles, whooping cough and chickenpox due to vaccine refusal or vaccine failure? 

These hot topics demand transparency and open discussions!

Mary will keep you on the edge of your chair as she exposes the shocking truth about these issues. Her heart-stopping presentation are based on over 45 years of research. Her passionate delivery will get everyone thinking and asking the right questions!

Please contact Mary at mary@marytocco.com  or call 843-708-3878 with your date and location to invite her to present at your conference.  (Continuing Education Credits are available).

  Mary’s guarantee: You will be empowered to make informed healthcare decisions for you and your children with confidence!

  Speaking Schedule 2025


Troy, Michigan March 29, 2025 – Sponsored by Michigan for Vaccine Choice (MVC) held at the Troy Community Center. Location: 3179 Livernois Rd. Room 303, Troy, MI 48083  Event Registration: 9:30 event starts at 10:00am.  There will be 2 speakers: Dr. Nicole Morris who will talk about the natural immune system and Mary will speak on VACCINES 101: exposing the dangerous  propaganda supporting the fraudulent measles outbreaks, toxic vaccine ingredients, vaccine failure and more!   For event tickets, contact MVC at http://www.michiganvaccinechoice.org/events    OR LEAVE A Voicemail requesting tickets at 586-447-2418.


Berlin, Ohio March 27,0225 – Sponsored by David Keim, owner of Creekside Nutrition in Berlin Ohio. This event will feature a few speakers and Mary will be speaking on Thursday, March 27th at 5:30 – 7:30PM. Donations will be accepted at the door, seating limited to 800 people. Mary will expose the dangerous  propaganda supporting the fraudulent measles outbreaks, toxic vaccine ingredients, vaccine failure and more!  The location: The Gardens at Homestead   8226 St Rt 241 Fredericksburg, OH 44627


                                                 Speaking Schedule 2024


Millersburg, Pennsylvania June 26, 2024 – The 5th Annual Health and Wellness Day Sponsored by Natural Hope Herb Farm. Location: 670 Phillips Road, Millersburg, PA. Over 1200 guests attended last year, expecting more in 2024! Mary will present: Natural Immune System, Supporting Development in Childhood and Beyond. Hundreds of vendors, Food Tent, farm animals and lots of education!  Come spend a day in the country with like-minded Amish and Mennonite families. 


Middlefield, Ohio March 15-16, 2024 Sponsored by Key Harmony Nutrition Center. Location: Heritage Marketplace Event Center  15920 Nauvoo Rd. Middlefield, Ohio 44062.  Mary will present: Natural Immune System, Supporting Development in Childhood and Beyond. This is a 2 day event with many speakers and on March 16, there will be a panel discussion with audience participation.  For information, contact Matthew Kauffman 440-437-3600


Speaking Events 2023


Family Farm Days, Amish and Mennonite Celebration July 27 – 28, 2023  This event will be held outdoors under great tents in the beautiful farmlands. Location: 2888 Miller Lane Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505. Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights covering from polio days to current schedule, including the COVID injections!  We are expecting over 5000 attendees with food, stores and more! For information, call 717-768-7582


Durnsife, Pennsylvania – June 26 – 28, 2023 Natural Health and Wellness Expo Sponsored by Natural Hope Herbals. For information, call Rick Hess 717-692-5100. Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights covering from polio days to current schedule, including the COVID injections! Both days will start promptly at 9:00AM and end at 6:00PM __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Speaking Schedule 2022


Lancaster (Christiana) Pennsylvania – Friday, July 29 & Saturday, July 30th, 2022  Amish and Mennonite communities celebrate Family Farm Days, a wonderful family event!- Lecture Time: Friday 5:00 – 8:00PM and on Saturday morning (TBD)  Location: 199 Brick Hill Road in Christiana, PA 17509

Friday Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights covering from polio days to current schedule, including the COVID injections! Saturday Lecture: The Benefits of Natural Immunity and Recovery for Sick Children   For additional Information contact Sam at 717-715-7439


Nappanee, Indiana – Wednesday April 20, 2022  Location: Claywood Event Center 13924 N 1100 W, Nappanee, IN, 46550  Time: 5:30 – 8:30PM  Q and A afterwards.  Lecture: Vaccines: Making Informed Vaccine Decisions – Your Children, Your Health and the “COVID” Crisis Exposed   Seating limited to 1000.  No reservations needed. For additional Information contact (574) 773-2770 #2 for additional information.


Tampa, Florida Saturday April 1st – 4th, 2022 – Freedom Law School  10221 Princess Palm Avenue Tampa, Florida 33610   Lecture: Benefits of Natural Immunity, Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and You Rights.  I will be one of four speakers including Leigh Dundaa, Dr. Lee Merritt and Jack Maxey

LetsGoBrandonRally.org   For ticket information, call (813) 444-4800


Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Saturday, March 19, 2022 – Chula Vista Resort, 1000 Chula Vista Parkway, Wisconsin Dells, WI  VaxCon 2022 with Del Bigtree.  My Lecture: Benefits of Natural Immunity and How Vaccines Assault –  Sponsored by Wisconsin United For Freedom (WUFF)  All day event starts Saturday morning, 9:00AM to 9:00PM and includes a panel discussion with all speakers.  VIP tickets includes dinner with the speakers on Friday night, March 18th. (Details on the website)  Seats are limited to 1000 people.  Reserve tickets today at https://wisconsinunitedforfreedom.org/ 


Martindale, Pennsylvania Tuesday, January 18. 2022 – Location: Martindale Mennonite Fellowship Center in Martindale, PA  Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights, Including the COVID Injection Dangers.  Event starts at 6:00 – 8:30 PM and conclude with Q/A.   Seating is limited to 1000 people.  No registration required, first come-first serve basis.  (Special announcement at 5:00pm – Introducing a new hospital for those nurses and doctors who refuse the jab!)


Nappanee, Indiana Tuesday, January 11, 2022 – Location: Ramer Mennonite Youth Center County Road 44, Nappanee, Indiana.  Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights, Including the COVID Injection Dangers.  Event starts at 6:00 – 8:30 PM and conclude with Q/A.  For Information, call 574-361-6287.  Seating is limited to 1000 people.


Speaking Schedule 2021

(Scroll down to see previous lectures)

Shipshewana, Indiana  October 13, 2021 6:30 to 8:30 – The event, primarily for the Amish Community and their doctors, will be held in their town gymnasium and is open to the public.  Lecture Title:  Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights, Including the COVID Injection Dangers.  No reservations required. Sponsored by Northern, 2195 N County Road 700 W, Shipshewana, IN 46565. For information, please call 260-768-4868 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina October 9, 2021 – 2:00 – 5:00   Medical Freedom Conference: Fighting Medical Tyranny. This conference will have various speakers with Mary Tocco presenting, The Presumed Safety of Vaccines, Dr. Renee Hunter,  of Real Health Clinic in Goose Creek, SC (RealHealthCareClinic.com) speaking on The Known Dangers of the COVID Injection, Christopher Key (Vaccine Police) and others.  Location: 1845 Old Georgetown Road. $10 Donation Per Person Requested.  No preregistration required, first come, first serve.


Rapid City, S. Dakota Saturday and Sunday June 5-6, 2021Red Pill Expo Lecture Title:  The Great Awakening – Five Intelligent Reason To Avoid Childhood Vaccines (fully referenced and science-based lecture)

This informative Expo is sponsored by G. Edward Griffin and will have many great speakers on a variety of topics.  For tickets follow the link below and get your tickets Here NOW!  Seating is limited to the first 1700 people. https://redpillexpo.org/ 


West Des Moines, Iowa Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021 Session 1: Raising Children Nature’s Way and Session 2: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights Sponsored by Dr. Kevin Miller of EP True Chiropractic.

Location: Holiday Inn Des Moines-Airport Conference Center  6111 Fleur Drive Des Moines, IA 50321

Time: 9:00am to 3:30PM (Includes Q and A Session and lunch)

Register at the EventBrite website:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/educated-the-truth-you-dont-know-tickets-127962077017?fbclid=IwAR36EJFl_HXMtK1GDtaJ8M6mWSfyd6Nsh2n6TmDwldtyDoGb3WdbTxFNaRs  or by calling 515-309-3791


Speaking Schedule 2020

All Conference presentations are cancelled due to the corona virus pandemic. Mary is available for podcasts, zoom meetings and radio interviews by calling 843-708-3878 or email at mary@marytocco.com


Alexandria, Minnesota September 14, 2019 presenting: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights.  Mary will share the stage with Producer of VAXXED, Del Bigtree of the High Wire weekly program.

Location:  Lake Geneva Christian Center, Alexandria, MN 56308 starts at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM CDT.  For tickets please copy/paste link below or contact Dr. Jerod Ochsendorf at  (320) 762-2055.

V.I.P. Dinner with the Speakers (Friday night) 5:30-8pm  Dinner SOLD OUT


Lansing, Michigan – Monday August 19, 2019 presenting: Raising Children Nature’s Way

Location and Sponsor: Gilead Healing Center 306 S Creyts Rd, Lansing, MI 48917      Time:  9:00 – 11:00 AM      To register call:  Gilead Healing Center, Dr. Denise Rassel  at 517-319-5818


Ann Arbor, Michigan – Wednesday August 21, 2019 presenting: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights: Vaccines are NOT Child’s Play!

Location: Wyndham Garden Hotel 2900 Jackson Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48103 starting 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM EDT. Doors open at 5:00 PM, tickets are available by calling 810-231-8135,


Shelby Township, Michigan- Thursday August 22, 2019: presenting: Vaccines V/S Natural Immunity, Raising Children Nature’s Way

Location:  Crank’s Catering and Enchantment Banquet Center, 49615 Hayes Rd. Shelby Township 48315.  7:00 – 9:00 PM

Call for reservations: (586) 532-5433  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Charlotte, North Carolina April 14 – 16, 2017  Passover: The Road to Redemption Conference with Pastor Michael Rood Ministries

Embassy Suites Concord Resort.  For Information: https://www.aroodawakening.tv/  and to watch online register at https://www.passovercharlotte.com/


Grapevine Texas October 16, 2016 will be a speaker at “The Truth About Cancer Ultimate LIVE Symposium Conference”.

Topic:  Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility Saturday 4:45 — 5:30 PM

Location:  Gaylord Texan Resort Hotel & Convention Center  1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051

To register:  https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/ttac-live-event/schedule


 Columbia, South Carolina May 28, 2016  Saturday  11:30 to 3:00 (doors open at 11:00)

 Topic: Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility

The Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center  1101 Lincoln Street  Columbia, SC 29201

Sponsored by Dr. Danna Ancrum of Columbia, SC

Ticket price:  Pre-registration $15 and $20 at the door. (registration recommended)

Call to register (803) 794-4433     Vendors may call for more information


Clarkston, Michigan May 21, 2016   Saturday (doors open at 9:30)

Topic:  Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility

Clarkston Jr. High School

Sponsored by Dr. Cody Senkyr of Clarkston, MI and Dr. Jennifer McCartney of Royal Oak, MI

Ticket price: Pre-registration $15 and $20 at the door. (registration recommended)

Vendors may call for more information.  To register call 248-625-7600

Speaking Engagements

Warren, Michigan  Saturday May 2, 2015: Vaccination Awareness Event

Featuring Mary Tocco and Tetyana Obukhanych PhD Immunologist

Doors open 12:30pm Program starts 1:00 -5:00 pm
Macomb Community College: 14500 E. 12 Mile Road, Warren MI, 48088
Room K301 – John Lewis Center

Okemos, Michigan Sunday May 3, 2015: Vaccination Educational Forum

Featuring Mary Tocco and Tetyana Obukhanych PhD Immunologist

9:30 – 12:00 (break) 1:00 – 3:00 (Doors open at 9:00)
Okemos Conference Center: 2187 University Park Dr. Okemos, MI 48864


Branson, Missouri – Thursday April 3-6, 2014
Hungry For Health Organic Festival and Gala
Lodge of the Ozarks 3431 W 76 Country Blvd. Branson, MO 65616 (877) 327-9894
Sponsored by Fuel for the Body, Lynette Pate
Mary will be speaking on Friday and Saturday in a 2 part lecture called, “Vaccine Roulette”
She will be attending the gala dinner event representing “America’s Outstanding Mom 2013”
Sponsored by AVENA Originals
For tickets or vending information: http://www.powerpresskits.com/PPKs/indexC.aspx?PPK=14764


Lansing, Michigan – Saturday March 8, 2014
10:00 – 1:00 PM
Sponsored by Dr. Denise Rassel and the Michigan League of Chiropractic Women
University Quality Inn 3121 East Grand River Ave. Lansing, MI 48912
Mary will present “Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights”
Lecture is open to the public
Private lunch with League of Chiropractic Women 1:30 – 3:00 – all women DCs are welcome!
Tickets are $15 picked up at 537 N. Clippert, Lansing MI or $20 at the door
Call 517-336-8880 for additional information


Livonia, Michigan Thursday March 6, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM (EST)
Sponsored by the Michigan Chiropractic Pediatric Association
Detroit Marriott 17100 North Laurel Park Drive, Livonia, MI
Mary will present, “Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights”
Open to the public
Registration recommended tickets $15 in advance, $25 at the door
EventBright registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mary-tocco-presents-vaccine-risks-responsibility-and-rights-tickets-10443277123


Clinton Township, Michigan – Wednesday March 5, 2014
6:00 – 8:30 PM
Macomb County Autism Society Presents, “Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights”
Macomb Intermediate School District Building at 44001
Garfield Road in Clinton Township Room 100
Event is open to the public, registration is appreciated
Call 586-445-4915 and please leave a voice-mail with numbers of people attending with you.


Long Island, New York – Jan. 17-19, 2014
The First Annual Save Long Island Forum – An Educational Event covering many topic of concern.
The Upsky Long Island Hotel located at 110 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Hotel Reservations call 631-231-1100 and to register for the event go to
Mary will present: Top 5 Vaccine Concerns from 3:00 – 3:30 and will be there for panel discussion on
Sunday morning.


Red Deer Alberta, Canada Friday September 27th – 28th- 2013
Starts 8:00 am and ends at 6:00pm
Revitalize Conference by Avena Naturals
Talk: The Role of Nutrition and Natural Immunity
Sheraton Hotel 3310 50 Ave Red Deer, Alberta T4N 3X9 Canada
Registration is required and for additional information go to

Shipshewana, Indiana – Friday August 23rd, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Northern Nutrition Health Food Store
Where: Northern Nutrition 2180 N 700 W, Shipshewana, IN 46565
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM For Information call (260) 768-4868

Muskegon, Michigan – Saturday August 17th,2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Weston Price Foundation, Muskegon Chapter
Where: Trillium Banquet Center 17246 Van Wagoner St. Spring Lake, MI 49456
Time: 9:00 – 1:00 To Register: call Lisa (231) 744-1991

Lapeer, Michigan – Saturday June 22nd, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Rebecca’s Health and Nutrition Store
Where: Lapeer Library Marguerite deAngeli Branch 921 W. Nepessing St. Lapeer, MI
(Library 810 664-6971)
Time: 1:00-3pm
To Register: (810) 660-8585

Lansing, Michigan – Saturday June 1st, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Dr. Denise Rassel of League of Chiropractic Women
Where: Best Western Plus 6820 S. Cedar Street Lansing, MI
Time: 10:00 – 2:00
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door
To Register:(517) 336-8880

Huntsville, Alabama – Saturday May 11th, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by Weston Price Foundation, Huntsville Chapter
Where: Trinity United Methodist Church 607 Airport Rd. Huntsville, Alabama 35802
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (after lunch break) 1:30 – 3:00
Registration Fee $35 Call Ann at 256-270-5980
Friday Meet-and-Greet Fundraiser with Mary Tocco- location to be announced
($40 details coming or speak to Ann for information)

Howe, Indiana – Friday, March 22nd, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility
Where: Messiah Fellowship
6200 E SR 120
Howe, IN 46746
Time: 6:00-9:00PM
For additional information, call pastor Ron Hyre at 260-562-3236

Sarasota, Florida – Thursday Friday March 14th, 2013
Pre Vaccine Talk DVD Promotional and Autograph event with Mary Tocco at Earth Origins Health
from 10:00 – 2:00
Food Store located at 1279 Beneva Rd. Sarasota, FL
Sponsored by: Ocean Grown and donations will be taken at the door
Call Patty at 504-875-1362 for information and registration
Friday March 15th
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Where: Waldemere Fire Station Conference Room
2070 Waldemere Street
Sarasota, FL 43239
Time: 6:00 – 9:00PM

Rochester, Michigan- Saturday February 9th, 2013
Where: River Crest Catering
900 W. Avon Road
Rochester, Michigan 48307
Time: 9:30 – 2:00
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Registration recommended: Call 248-650-6100
$15 prepaid/$20 at the door seating is limited

Jacksonville, Florida – Saturday February 23rd, 2013
Where: Embassy Suites Hotel
9300 Baymeadows Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Time: 9:00 -1:00
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Registration required: call Todd Walsh at 904-343-2906
Donations taken at the door
Vendors welcome- call for additional information

Speaking Schedule 2024


Millersburg, Pennsylvania June 26, 2024 – The 5th Annual Health and Wellness Day Sponsored by Natural Hope Herb Farm. Location: 670 Phillips Road, Millersburg, PA. Over 1200 guests attended last year, expecting more in 2024! Mary will present: Natural Immune System, Supporting Development in Childhood and Beyond. Hundreds of vendors, Food Tent, farm animals and lots of education!  Come spend a day in the country with like-minded Amish and Mennonite families. 


Middlefield, Ohio March 15-16, 2024 Sponsored by Key Harmony Nutrition Center. Location: Heritage Marketplace Event Center  15920 Nauvoo Rd. Middlefield, Ohio 44062.  Mary will present: Natural Immune System, Supporting Development in Childhood and Beyond. This is a 2 day event with many speakers and on March 16, there will be a panel discussion with audience participation.  For information, contact Matthew Kauffman 440-437-3600


Speaking Events 2023


Family Farm Days, Amish and Mennonite Celebration July 27 – 28, 2023  This event will be held outdoors under great tents in the beautiful farmlands. Location: 2888 Miller Lane Bird-In-Hand, PA 17505. Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights covering from polio days to current schedule, including the COVID injections!  We are expecting over 5000 attendees with food, stores and more! For information, call 717-768-7582


Durnsife, Pennsylvania – June 26 – 28, 2023 Natural Health and Wellness Expo Sponsored by Natural Hope Herbals. For information, call Rick Hess 717-692-5100. Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights covering from polio days to current schedule, including the COVID injections! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Speaking Schedule 2022


Lancaster (Christiana) Pennsylvania – Friday, July 29 & Saturday, July 30th, 2022  Amish and Mennonite communities celebrate Family Farm Days, a wonderful family event!- Lecture Time: Friday 5:00 – 8:00PM and on Saturday morning (TBD)  Location: 199 Brick Hill Road in Christiana, PA 17509

Friday Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights covering from polio days to current schedule, including the COVID injections! Saturday Lecture: The Benefits of Natural Immunity and Recovery for Sick Children   For additional Information contact Sam at 717-715-7439


Nappanee, Indiana – Wednesday April 20, 2022  Location: Claywood Event Center 13924 N 1100 W, Nappanee, IN, 46550  Time: 5:30 – 8:30PM  Q and A afterwards.  Lecture: Vaccines: Making Informed Vaccine Decisions – Your Children, Your Health and the “COVID” Crisis Exposed   Seating limited to 1000.  No reservations needed. For additional Information contact (574) 773-2770 #2 for additional information.


Tampa, Florida Saturday April 1st – 4th, 2022 – Freedom Law School  10221 Princess Palm Avenue Tampa, Florida 33610   Lecture: Benefits of Natural Immunity, Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and You Rights.  I will be one of four speakers including Leigh Dundaa, Dr. Lee Merritt and Jack Maxey

LetsGoBrandonRally.org   For ticket information, call (813) 444-4800


Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Saturday, March 19, 2022 – Chula Vista Resort, 1000 Chula Vista Parkway, Wisconsin Dells, WI  VaxCon 2022 with Del Bigtree.  My Lecture: Benefits of Natural Immunity and How Vaccines Assault  Sponsored by Wisconsin United For Freedom (WUFF)  All day event starts Saturday morning, 9:00AM to 9:00PM and includes a panel discussion with all speakers.  VIP tickets includes dinner with the speakers on Friday night, March 18th. (Details on the website)  Seats are limited to 1000 people.  Reserve tickets today at https://wisconsinunitedforfreedom.org/ 


Martindale, Pennsylvania Tuesday, January 18. 2022 – Location: Martindale Mennonite Fellowship Center in Martindale, PA  Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights, Including the COVID Injection Dangers.  Event starts at 6:00 – 8:30 PM and conclude with Q/A.   Seating is limited to 1000 people.  No registration required, first come-first serve basis.  (Special announcement at 5:00pm – Introducing a new hospital for those nurses and doctors who refuse the jab!)


Nappanee, Indiana Tuesday, January 11, 2022 – Location: Ramer Mennonite Youth Center County Road 44, Nappanee, Indiana.  Lecture: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights, Including the COVID Injection Dangers.  Event starts at 6:00 – 8:30 PM and conclude with Q/A.  For Information, call 574-361-6287.  Seating is limited to 1000 people.


Speaking Schedule 2021

(Scroll down to see previous lectures)

Shipshewana, Indiana  October 13, 2021 6:30 to 8:30 – The event, primarily for the Amish Community and their doctors, will be held in their town gymnasium and is open to the public.  Lecture Title:  Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights, Including the COVID Injection Dangers.  No reservations required. Sponsored by Northern, 2195 N County Road 700 W, Shipshewana, IN 46565. For information, please call 260-768-4868 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina October 9, 2021 – 2:00 – 5:00   Medical Freedom Conference: Fighting Medical Tyranny. This conference will have various speakers with Mary Tocco presenting, The Presumed Safety of Vaccines, Dr. Renee Hunter,  of Real Health Clinic in Goose Creek, SC (RealHealthCareClinic.com) speaking on The Known Dangers of the COVID Injection, Christopher Key (Vaccine Police) and others.  Location: 1845 Old Georgetown Road. $10 Donation Per Person Requested.  No preregistration required, first come, first serve.


Rapid City, S. Dakota Saturday and Sunday June 5-6, 2021Red Pill Expo Lecture Title:  The Great Awakening – Five Intelligent Reason To Avoid Childhood Vaccines (fully referenced and science-based lecture)

This informative Expo is sponsored by G. Edward Griffin and will have many great speakers on a variety of topics.  For tickets follow the link below and get your tickets Here NOW!  Seating is limited to the first 1700 people. https://redpillexpo.org/ 


West Des Moines, Iowa Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021 Session 1: Raising Children Nature’s Way and Session 2: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights Sponsored by Dr. Kevin Miller of EP True Chiropractic.

Location: Holiday Inn Des Moines-Airport Conference Center  6111 Fleur Drive Des Moines, IA 50321

Time: 9:00am to 3:30PM (Includes Q and A Session and lunch)

Register at the EventBrite website:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/educated-the-truth-you-dont-know-tickets-127962077017?fbclid=IwAR36EJFl_HXMtK1GDtaJ8M6mWSfyd6Nsh2n6TmDwldtyDoGb3WdbTxFNaRs  or by calling 515-309-3791


Speaking Schedule 2020

All Conference presentations are cancelled due to the corona virus pandemic. Mary is available for podcasts, zoom meetings and radio interviews by calling 843-708-3878 or email at mary@marytocco.com


Alexandria, Minnesota September 14, 2019 presenting: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights.  Mary will share the stage with Producer of VAXXED, Del Bigtree of the High Wire weekly program.

Location:  Lake Geneva Christian Center, Alexandria, MN 56308 starts at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM CDT.  For tickets please copy/paste link below or contact Dr. Jerod Ochsendorf at  (320) 762-2055.

V.I.P. Dinner with the Speakers (Friday night) 5:30-8pm  Dinner SOLD OUT


Lansing, Michigan – Monday August 19, 2019 presenting: Raising Children Nature’s Way

Location and Sponsor: Gilead Healing Center 306 S Creyts Rd, Lansing, MI 48917      Time:  9:00 – 11:00 AM      To register call:  Gilead Healing Center, Dr. Denise Rassel  at 517-319-5818


Ann Arbor, Michigan – Wednesday August 21, 2019 presenting: Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights: Vaccines are NOT Child’s Play!

Location: Wyndham Garden Hotel 2900 Jackson Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48103 starting 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM EDT. Doors open at 5:00 PM, tickets are available by calling 810-231-8135,


Shelby Township, Michigan- Thursday August 22, 2019: presenting: Vaccines V/S Natural Immunity, Raising Children Nature’s Way

Location:  Crank’s Catering and Enchantment Banquet Center, 49615 Hayes Rd. Shelby Township 48315.  7:00 – 9:00 PM

Call for reservations: (586) 532-5433  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Charlotte, North Carolina April 14 – 16, 2017  Passover: The Road to Redemption Conference with Pastor Michael Rood Ministries

Embassy Suites Concord Resort.  For Information: https://www.aroodawakening.tv/  and to watch online register at https://www.passovercharlotte.com/


Grapevine Texas October 16, 2016 will be a speaker at “The Truth About Cancer Ultimate LIVE Symposium Conference”.

Topic:  Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility Saturday 4:45 — 5:30 PM

Location:  Gaylord Texan Resort Hotel & Convention Center  1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051

To register:  https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/ttac-live-event/schedule


 Columbia, South Carolina May 28, 2016  Saturday  11:30 to 3:00 (doors open at 11:00)

 Topic: Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility

 The Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center  1101 Lincoln Street  Columbia, SC 29201

 Sponsored by Dr. Danna Ancrum of Columbia, SC

 Ticket price:  Pre-registration $15 and $20 at the door. (registration recommended)

 Call to register (803) 794-4433     Vendors may call for more information


Clarkston, Michigan May 21, 2016   Saturday (doors open at 9:30)

Topic:  Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility

Clarkston Jr. High School

Sponsored by Dr. Cody Senkyr of Clarkston, MI and Dr. Jennifer McCartney of Royal Oak, MI

Ticket price: Pre-registration $15 and $20 at the door. (registration recommended)

Vendors may call for more information.  To register call 248-625-7600

Speaking Engagements

Warren, Michigan  Saturday May 2, 2015: Vaccination Awareness Event

Featuring Mary Tocco and Tetyana Obukhanych PhD Immunologist

Doors open 12:30pm Program starts 1:00 -5:00 pm
Macomb Community College: 14500 E. 12 Mile Road, Warren MI, 48088
Room K301 – John Lewis Center

Okemos, Michigan Sunday May 3, 2015: Vaccination Educational Forum

Featuring Mary Tocco and Tetyana Obukhanych PhD Immunologist

9:30 – 12:00 (break) 1:00 – 3:00 (Doors open at 9:00)
Okemos Conference Center: 2187 University Park Dr. Okemos, MI 48864


Branson, Missouri – Thursday April 3-6, 2014
Hungry For Health Organic Festival and Gala
Lodge of the Ozarks 3431 W 76 Country Blvd. Branson, MO 65616 (877) 327-9894
Sponsored by Fuel for the Body, Lynette Pate
Mary will be speaking on Friday and Saturday in a 2 part lecture called, “Vaccine Roulette”
She will be attending the gala dinner event representing “America’s Outstanding Mom 2013”
Sponsored by AVENA Originals
For tickets or vending information: http://www.powerpresskits.com/PPKs/indexC.aspx?PPK=14764


Lansing, Michigan – Saturday March 8, 2014
10:00 – 1:00 PM
Sponsored by Dr. Denise Rassel and the Michigan League of Chiropractic Women
University Quality Inn 3121 East Grand River Ave. Lansing, MI 48912
Mary will present “Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights”
Lecture is open to the public
Private lunch with League of Chiropractic Women 1:30 – 3:00 – all women DCs are welcome!
Tickets are $15 picked up at 537 N. Clippert, Lansing MI or $20 at the door
Call 517-336-8880 for additional information


Livonia, Michigan Thursday March 6, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM (EST)
Sponsored by the Michigan Chiropractic Pediatric Association
Detroit Marriott 17100 North Laurel Park Drive, Livonia, MI
Mary will present, “Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights”
Open to the public
Registration recommended tickets $15 in advance, $25 at the door
EventBright registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mary-tocco-presents-vaccine-risks-responsibility-and-rights-tickets-10443277123


Clinton Township, Michigan – Wednesday March 5, 2014
6:00 – 8:30 PM
Macomb County Autism Society Presents, “Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights”
Macomb Intermediate School District Building at 44001
Garfield Road in Clinton Township Room 100
Event is open to the public, registration is appreciated
Call 586-445-4915 and please leave a voice-mail with numbers of people attending with you.


Long Island, New York – Jan. 17-19, 2014
The First Annual Save Long Island Forum – An Educational Event covering many topic of concern.
The Upsky Long Island Hotel located at 110 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Hotel Reservations call 631-231-1100 and to register for the event go to
Mary will present: Top 5 Vaccine Concerns from 3:00 – 3:30 and will be there for panel discussion on
Sunday morning.


Red Deer Alberta, Canada Friday September 27th – 28th- 2013
Starts 8:00 am and ends at 6:00pm
Revitalize Conference by Avena Naturals
Talk: The Role of Nutrition and Natural Immunity
Sheraton Hotel 3310 50 Ave Red Deer, Alberta T4N 3X9 Canada
Registration is required and for additional information go to

Shipshewana, Indiana – Friday August 23rd, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Northern Nutrition Health Food Store
Where: Northern Nutrition 2180 N 700 W, Shipshewana, IN 46565
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 PM For Information call (260) 768-4868

Muskegon, Michigan – Saturday August 17th,2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Weston Price Foundation, Muskegon Chapter
Where: Trillium Banquet Center 17246 Van Wagoner St. Spring Lake, MI 49456
Time: 9:00 – 1:00 To Register: call Lisa (231) 744-1991

Lapeer, Michigan – Saturday June 22nd, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Rebecca’s Health and Nutrition Store
Where: Lapeer Library Marguerite deAngeli Branch 921 W. Nepessing St. Lapeer, MI
(Library 810 664-6971)
Time: 1:00-3pm
To Register: (810) 660-8585

Lansing, Michigan – Saturday June 1st, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by: Dr. Denise Rassel of League of Chiropractic Women
Where: Best Western Plus 6820 S. Cedar Street Lansing, MI
Time: 10:00 – 2:00
Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door
To Register:(517) 336-8880

Huntsville, Alabama – Saturday May 11th, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Sponsored by Weston Price Foundation, Huntsville Chapter
Where: Trinity United Methodist Church 607 Airport Rd. Huntsville, Alabama 35802
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (after lunch break) 1:30 – 3:00
Registration Fee $35 Call Ann at 256-270-5980
Friday Meet-and-Greet Fundraiser with Mary Tocco- location to be announced
($40 details coming or speak to Ann for information)

Howe, Indiana – Friday, March 22nd, 2013
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Rights and Responsibility
Where: Messiah Fellowship
6200 E SR 120
Howe, IN 46746
Time: 6:00-9:00PM
For additional information, call pastor Ron Hyre at 260-562-3236

Sarasota, Florida – Thursday Friday March 14th, 2013
Pre Vaccine Talk DVD Promotional and Autograph event with Mary Tocco at Earth Origins Health
from 10:00 – 2:00
Food Store located at 1279 Beneva Rd. Sarasota, FL
Sponsored by: Ocean Grown and donations will be taken at the door
Call Patty at 504-875-1362 for information and registration
Friday March 15th
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Where: Waldemere Fire Station Conference Room
2070 Waldemere Street
Sarasota, FL 43239
Time: 6:00 – 9:00PM

Rochester, Michigan- Saturday February 9th, 2013
Where: River Crest Catering
900 W. Avon Road
Rochester, Michigan 48307
Time: 9:30 – 2:00
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Registration recommended: Call 248-650-6100
$15 prepaid/$20 at the door seating is limited

Jacksonville, Florida – Saturday February 23rd, 2013
Where: Embassy Suites Hotel
9300 Baymeadows Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Time: 9:00 -1:00
Talk: Vaccine Risks, Responsibility and Rights
Registration required: call Todd Walsh at 904-343-2906
Donations taken at the door
Vendors welcome- call for additional information