Laws and Forms

Vaccine Exemptions by State

The Federal Government and Health Care System has mislead the American public, by suppressing the many options we have for immunizations. Contrary to popular belief, it is still the right of parents and individuals to choose whether or not to vaccinate. Vaccines are mandated on a federal level but individual states have the right to provide exemptions. There are three basic exemptions that states can offer: medical, religious and philosophical.

  • Medical Exemption : This is when a medical doctor certifies that a vaccine is hazardous for the individual. (Unfortunately, most doctors refuse to sign a medical waiver.)
  • Religious Exemption : A parents religious “beliefs” are sufficient to qualify for the religious exemption. The parents do NOT have to be part of a recognized religious organization or church.
  • Philosophical Exemption (sometimes called personal or conscientious) : Based on your belief system.

Click the link below to download the pdf form for the Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety

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Refer to the map below to see what exemptions apply to your state:

Currently, not every state has their forms online. Listed below are the ones I have been able to locate. States tend to move the forms around their websites, so if you happen to come across one that is no longer there, please inform us. As for the exemption forms, it is recommended that you call your local health department and inquire where you can read the written vaccine exemptions and request them in writing as the language is often hard to locate within the documents and/or handbooks. State laws are subject to change.

 Alabama  Iowa  Nevada  South Dakota
 Alaska  Kansas  New Hampshire  Tennessee
 Arizona  Kentucky  New Jersey  Texas
 Arkansas  Louisiana  New Mexico  Utah : 801.538.9450
 California  Maine  New York  Vermont
 Colorado  Maryland  North Carolina
 Connecticut  Massachusetts  North Dakota  Washington
 Delaware  Michigan  Ohio  West Virginia
 Florida  Minnesota  Oklahoma  Wisconsin
 Hawaii  Mississippi  Oregon  Wyoming
 Idaho  Missouri  Pennsylvania
 Illinois  Montana  Rhode Island
Indiana  Nebraska  South Carolina