
What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia can look like a variety of infections of the lungs. Pneumococcal bacteria live in the lungs and when there is an imbalance, the result is infection. Pneumonia can be very serious, even life threatening, so it’s important to know the symptoms in order to take the right precautions and measures to recover. Pneumonia may cause a cough, fever, or make breathing difficult. Much of the time, Pneumonia will resolve as the immune system works to bring the body back into balance. If immunity is low or a person is under stress, it may require medical attention, as it can become life-threatening if left untended.

History of Pneumonia The history of pneumonia goes way back to times of Hippocrates, and probably before. Hippocrates wrote about the illness, and referred to it as “named by the ancients,” suggesting that it has been with humankind for many centuries. The symptoms described by Hippocrates and later, by Maimonides have not changed from the symptoms we describe in today’s medical texts.

In 1875, Edwin Klebs discovered bacteria in the airways of people who died from pneumonia. In 1882-1884, Carl Friedlander—creator of the Gram stain still used today to identify bacteria—and Albert Frankel identified the two most common strains, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

In 1918, pneumonia had become the leading cause of death over even tuberculosis. Mortality rates were at a high of 30%. During the 19th century, pneumonia was regarded as sure death. Since the advent of antibiotics, implementation of modern sanitation and better nutrition and early diagnosis, survival rates from pneumonia infection have drastically improved.

What Kinds of Pneumonia Are There

Pneumonia can be acquired by any number of different causes, but ultimately, it is a sign of stress in the immune system to keep the body healthy. It is associated with over 100 strains of microorganisms. Some cases are believed to be caused by both bacteria and viruses: 45% of infections in children, and 15% of infections in adults.

Most cases of pneumonia are caused by bacteria.

  • The most common type of pneumonia is caused by the bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and is associated with 50% of all cases.
  • People who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or alcoholism may be susceptible to Kiebsiella pneumoniae and Hemophilus influenza (spelling varies), both of which are bacteria that can cause pneumonia. Haemophilus influenza is responsible for 20% of cases.
  • “Atypical” pneumonia as it is sometimes caused, is caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and tends to occur in the summer and fall. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is associated with 3% of cases.
  • Legionnaire’s disease is caused by a type of bacteria known as Legionella pneumoniae. This kind of bacteria can be found in contaminated water and air conditioning units. This kind of pneumonia can be more serious, because the bacteria cause an infection of which pneumonia is only one part.
  • An infection in both lungs is caused by Penumocystis carini, and occurs most frequently in individuals with suppressed immune systems.

Viral pneumonias are believed to cause 33% of adult pneumonia, and can be caused by any number of viruses, including: 

  • Adenovirus
  • Coronavirus
  • Herpes simplex virus (primarily occurs only in newborns, and very rare)
  • Influenza virus
  • Parainfluenza virus (croup)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • Rhinovirus Infections caused by fungi can cause pneumonia, and are associated with individuals with suppressed or low-functioning immune systems.

Fungal pneumonia is not common. These fungi include: 

  • Aspergillosis
  • Blastomycosis
  • Coccidiomycosis
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Histoplasmosis

Parasites in the lungs can also cause pneumonia.

Community-associated pneumonia is when pneumonia is contracted in a person’s daily life, such as while at work or school. This may also be known as community-acquired pneumonia.

Hospital Pneumonia

Healthcare-associated pneumonia is pneumonia is contracted while in the hospital or a nursing home, and can be more serious, because health may already be compromised in those settings. This type of pneumonia may also be known as hospital-acquired pneumonia. It is often a secondary infection to those who are already ill and for senior citizens, it is often the contributing cause of death when associated with other illnesses.

Pneumonia may also be determined to be ventilator-associated. Antibiotic-resistant pneumonia is becoming an increasing problem due to so many people taking antibiotics for many health issues. How Does Pneumonia Enter the Body? Pneumonia is typically caused by a microorganism that enters the lungs while breathing. Often, pneumonia “sets in” after someone is ill with a cold or flu. This is because the immune system and lungs are already compromised and fighting the flu or cold germs, and are not as able to fight the pneumonia germ. In cases of parasitic pneumonia, the parasite enters the body through the skin or the mouth, enters the blood stream, and travels to the lungs.

What Part of the Body Does Pneumonia Affect

Pneumonia affects the alveoli in the lung, which are the tiny air sacs, when they become inflamed. The term “pneumonitis” means inflammation of the lung. Individuals with chronic diseases like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer may be more likely to get pneumonia, and may have a harder time fighting it off when they do. 

How Does Pneumonia Spread? Pneumonia can be caused by a number of agents, including bacteria, viruses, or fungi. It is spread through the air in most cases; however, parasitic pneumonia can be spread through the skin or mouth. How Long Does Pneumonia Last? Pneumonia usually clears up within 2 to 3 weeks. However, some individuals are more at susceptible to complications from pneumonia, such as the elderly, who may have a longer recovery period. 


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How Do You Get Exposed to Pneumonia

The pneumococcal bacteria live in the back of the throat, nose and in the lungs. It is when we are immune compromised that we may experience pneumonia which is an imbalance in the bacteria. There are also viral and parasitic strains that are picked up through the mouth and nose and skin. People can become exposed to pneumonia-causing microorganisms in their daily lives, such as while at work or school. Individuals who are in hospital-type settings, such as nursing homes or other healthcare facilities, can become exposed to pneumonia-causing agents. 

How is Pneumonia Contracted

The microorganisms that cause pneumonia regularly occur in our environment. Usually the body is able to fend off the invaders and keep illness at bay. However, persons with comprised health, due to acute cold or flu, or something more serious, are more apt to contract pneumonia. Individuals who smoke are more susceptible to falling ill from pneumonia, as are those with chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, and cancer. Pneumonia can also be contracted through a parasite that may enter the blood stream, and travel to the lungs

How Does Pneumonia Enter the Body

Pneumonia most often enters the body through the respiratory system. Bacteria, viral, and fungal pneumonia can travel in the tiny droplets of water that are expelled when a person coughs or sneezes, and enter the body by being breathed into the lungs. Parasitic pneumonia can occur when parasites enter the body through the mouth or skin, and attack the lungs. 

Who is Susceptible to Pneumonia

Anyone can get pneumonia, however, the stronger the immune system and the healthier a person is, the less likely they are to fall seriously ill from pneumonia-causing microorganisms. The very young and the elderly are at increased risk of becoming ill, as are those with chronic illnesses, or who have suppressed immune systems. Alcoholics and smokes are also at increased risk for certain kinds of pneumonia. 

What are the Symptoms of Pneumonia? Symptoms of pneumonia can vary depending on the kind, but most pneumonias share certain signs and symptoms. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are: 

  • Fever, often with shaking chills (however, fever is not always present, and may be quite high or very low) Increased respiratory rate
  • Productive cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sharp or stabbing pain in the chest
  • Confusion

Certain individuals may be more prone to exhibit some symptoms over others. For example, the elderly may appear confused, more than any other symptom due to lack of oxygen production. Children under five years of age will more likely have fever, cough, and fast respirations. However, infants under 2 months rarely exhibit cough. Serious symptoms may include: 

  • Convulsions
  • Cyanosis
  • Decreased consciousness
  • Decreased thirst
  • Diarrhea
  • Persistent vomiting


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Depending on the severity of the illness, pneumonia may be treated naturally at home by boosting the immune system or treating with natural products. Doctors will recommend antibiotics with bed rest and fluids and severe cases may need to go to the hospital for treatment with antibiotics and other breathing support.

What Are the Symptoms of Pneumonia

The primary symptoms of pneumonia have been about the same for centuries. The most common symptoms begin with those similar to a cold—sneezing, coughing, and sore throat. With pneumonia, a high fever may present, often with shaking and chills. The cough is most likely to produce sputum, also known as a productive cough. There may be a shortness of breath, but this may only occur during exertion, such as climbing a flight of stairs. Fatigue, muscle aches, and headache may also occur.

Cases that are more serious can exhibit a bluish color to the skin, which is caused by a lack of oxygen and is known as cyanosis.

How Is Pneumonia Treated Medically

If the illness is determined to be due to a bacteria the pneumonia is most commonly treated medically with antibiotics. The type of antibiotic used varies with the type of bacteria: 

  • Streptococcus pneumoniae, the most common, is usually treated with penicillin, amoxicillin, and clavulanic acid (brand name of Augmentin). Erythromycin, azithromycin (Zithromax, or Z-Max), and clarithromycin may be prescribed.
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenza are treated with levoflacin (Levaquin), moxifloxacin, or sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra).
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae may be treated with erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, or fluoroquinolones. • Legionnaire’s disease is most likely to be treated with fluoroquinolones.
  • Other treatments may include intravenous fluids, oxygen therapy, or breathing treatments.

It is important to understand that pneumonia caused by a virus will not respond to antibiotic treatment. Antiviral treatment may be prescribed. As with any antibiotic, it is highly recommended by many health care providers to follow-up any antibiotic use with Probiotics which will help to re-establish healthy gut flora necessary for proper digestion, absorption and elimination. 

The overuse (over-prescribing) of antibiotics in treating infections and some vaccines for pneumonia have resulted in certain strains of bacterial pneumonia to become resistant, some of which are quite serious and require very strong antibiotics, which can have serious side effects. If you have been on antibiotics several times during life, you may need a powerful one to treat pneumonia. I was reported in the Dutch Ministry of Health, Netherlands in 2010 that the PCV-7 Vaccine is causing a drug-resistant strain of pneumonia given to infants three times in first year of life. It has been identified as a multi-resistant Serotype 19A causing invasive and respiratory pneumococcal disease.

How is Pneumonia Treated Naturally

Pneumonia can be serious, but if it is caught early in most healthy individuals, treatment can be done at home with natural, common-sense techniques. 

Key components of natural care include:

  • Chiropractic- Many people have nerve interference going to the lungs and a chiropractic evaluation may be a great benefit. The nervous system also is directly connected to the immune system and an adjustment can boost the immune system into action.
  • Hydration – drink at least 6-10 cups of filtered water, herbal teas, or natural juices high in Vitamin C every day to help flush toxins from the body
  • Analyze the diet. There are many foods that will contribute to mucus in the body. Reduce or eliminate animal protein especially dairy products as they are known to produce phlegm.
  • Eliminate sugars as bacterial and yeast feed on sugar and can get out of balance if the diet is high in sugars, including sugars from fruit.
  • Home-made chicken soup made with natural, hormone-free chicken is healing
  • Rest is very important, the body can heal while resting
  • Eliminate toxic, processed foods and boost the body with high-potent nutritional supplements and minerals.
  • Be sure that you are not constipated and eliminating well.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs, avoid smoking
  • Coughing helps to clear the airways and the mucous and aids in recovery so cough medications that suppress the cough may extend the illness.
  • Natural infection fighters include olive leaf extract, Biocidin, (BioBotanicals) liquid ionic silver, Oil of Oregano, garlic, Echinacea, detox herbal teas, Vitamin D3, essential fatty acids, liquid minerals and liquid vitamins (Eniva)

Other home techniques that can be helpful include:

  • Breathing air that is warm and moist can help to loosen the mucous and be therapeutic to the lungs.
  • Humidifiers and warm baths, and even a wet hot cloth held loosely near the nose and mouth can aid in expelling the phlegm, which also helps to clear airways for breathing.
  • Taking deep breaths—even though it may set off a fit of coughing—helps to loosen mucous.
  • Lying with the head lower than the chest, facing the ground and gently tapping the chest can help bring the mucous up. Using natural essential oils such as Eucalyptus. This natural plant can be used as a bronchial and nasal decongestant.
  • Olive leaf extract acts as a natural antibiotic and will help your body fight your infection by attacking the pneumonia, while keeping the rest of your immune system healthy. You can make a tea from it and drink throughout the day and take capsules as well. Many health food stores will sell it as a tea and capsule.
  • Promote healthy colon function as constipation is directly connected to congestion in the body. When a person is constipated, their body will be toxic and this is added stress for the lymph system, resulting in a burden on the immune system.
If you suffer with chronic pneumonia I encourage you to consider a chiropractic evaluation for nerve interference going to the lung area. Diet, medication, exercise, massage and rest will be therapeutic but not remove this! Only a chiropractic adjustment will reduce and improve a nerve problem. I would also evaluate your diet and living habits.
Chronic pneumonia is a sign that your immune system is weak and you may need to change your lifestyle. Discover what may be contributing to this on-going problem.
What Is the Immune System’s Role in Pneumonia
The immune system is important in every illness and health aspect of our lives. We are made of bacteria and in healthy people, the bacteria live in harmony and balance. The balance can get thrown off when our bodies get stress in the nervous system; get run down from lack of sleep, lack of good nutrition and exposure to any kind of chemical (prescription drug, medications) abuse.
Most people experience pneumonia during the winter months when sunshine is scarce which indicates we need Vitamin D3 to help keep us healthy and support the immune system. The healthier a person is, the healthier their immune system. Conversely, when a person is sick from an acute illness, such as a cold or flu, or from a chronic illness, such as diabetes, asthma, or cancer, the immune system is already taxed dealing with these other existing issues. It is in these scenarios that pneumonia can become serious and life threatening.
Individuals with acute or chronic illnesses, or who are immune-suppressed from medications, from HIV or other causes, should take care to support their immune system at all times, and to be particularly mindful of pneumonia. When pneumonia is caught early, it is most easily defeated. Individuals, who smoke, use alcohol excessively, or use drugs are also at increased risk for falling ill from pneumonia. The body is busy fighting off the toxins of the chemical use and is therefore more susceptible to the damage and illness of pneumonia-causing microorganisms. Persons who smoke or use alcohol or drugs should seek treatment to help them quit the abuse to their bodies and immune systems or know that by default, they will open the door for many illnesses including pneumonia.
What is the Duration of Pneumonia
How long symptoms last will vary greatly and is dependent on many factors, such as the state of the health of the individual, the type of care, age, and health habits. Smokers are more likely to endure longer recovery periods than non-smokers are. Antibiotics usually make a person start to feel better within 2-5 days. However, some pneumonia symptoms, such as fatigue and dry cough, can persist as long as a month, despite antibiotic treatment. Individuals who are hospitalized for pneumonia may be in the hospital up to three weeks. Without medical intervention, but with home care, pneumonia may last ten days or longer.
Promote health daily to give yourself and your children the best opportunity for health. We must consider all the health risks of medications and make informed health care decisions.
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What Are the Death Rates for Pneumonia? Pneumonia is responsible for 4 million deaths annually but statistics are combined with influenza death rates, so actual statistics are hard to know. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) every year, pneumonia causes 7% of the deaths in the world. Many people who die from pneumonia are already fighting other chronic illnesses. Pneumonia is 6th in leading causes of death in the United States. Of the 3 million cases of pneumonia per year in the United States, 5% will die, most are senior citizens.

How Often Does Pneumonia Occur


The statistics we have report that pneumonia occurs in 450 million people worldwide every year. The United States has over 3 million cases of pneumonia each year, 1.5 million of which go to the hospital.


Is Pneumonia Life Threatening


Pneumonia can be very serious. Roughly 20-30% of all pneumonia results in sepsis, which is an infection of the blood, and of that percentage, 20-30% will die.


What Is the Risk of Pneumonia


Anyone is susceptible. How sick a person becomes depends on several factors: age, overall health, medications, body function and lifestyle to name a few. Pneumonia is a more serious risk for certain people, depending on biological and environmental factors as well.


  • Age is a factor. The very young (five and under) who are immune compromised and underdeveloped, may be at risk. • Those aged 65 or older are at increased risk because they are often immune compromised from prescription medications, other medications, frequent hospital visit and other illnesses, resulting in venerability.
  • Chemical or pollutant exposure to the lungs. People who work with certain chemicals or around air pollution or other toxic fumes may be at risk for developing unusual kinds of pneumonia.
  • Chronic disease. Those who suffer from asthma, diabetes, heart disease, emphysema, or who have immune-suppressed conditions are at increased risk.
    • Those individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at risk of developing severe pneumonia. Individuals who use corticosteroids for 24 weeks or more are at risk of developing severe pneumonia.
    • People who are not under chiropractic care

Other risks of pneumonia are complications that can develop. However, the risk of complication is again determined greatly by the person’s age, health, and exposure to chemicals (via cigarette smoking, or due to their job or environment).

Complications can include:

  • Sepsis: The bacteria entering the blood stream, which can cause an infection of the blood, leading to shock and possibly failure of the major organs.
  • Pleurisy: Fluid can accumulate between the tissues of the lungs, and can then become infected.
  • Abscess: A pus-filled abscess can develop in the lung. Respiratory distress: Pneumonia can cause severe breathing difficulty, making it hard for the body to get the oxygen it needs.
Who is Affected by Pneumonia
Children who are under five years old and adults who are 65 years old or more have the highest rates of contracting pneumonia. Where a person lives is also a major factor. Rates of pneumonia and death from pneumonia are five times greater in developing countries as they are in developed countries. In 2008, India had 43 million cases of pneumonia, China had 21 million, and Pakistan had 10 million.
The major factors of age and geography have devastating affects when combined. Pneumonia is the leading cause of death for children in developing countries, many of whom are newborns. One in three newborn deaths is attributed to pneumonia.
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Natural Prevention

Pneumonia can be prevented with proper precautions and healthy lifestyle choices. Utilizing chiropractic care, good nutrition, avoiding process sugars and diets high in sugars, and a clean environment is the key to promoting a strong immune system. Pneumococcal and streptococcus bacteria live in the back of the nose and throat without causing any symptoms and are part of every human being….they play a role in keeping us healthy. It is when these bacteria get out of balance in the throat and lung that we express illnesses or infection. Natural prevention also includes:

  • Good personal hygiene, consistent hand washing, especially after using the bathroom, blowing your nose, or changing a diaper, and before preparing food and eating.
  • Avoid smoking and other chemicals that can throw off the delicate balance in the lungs.
  • Get plenty of rest to support your immune system, especially if you are stressed. If you have had pneumonia, focus on building lung/bronchial health, getting plenty of rest – do not overdo.
  • Exercise regularly and eat right.

Medical Prevention

If a person is not fighting the illnesses well they may require medical attention. Vaccinations are used for prevention of pneumonia but I personally believe that vaccines “suppress” the immune system. (See specific articles about the various vaccines used)

  • Hib is a routine vaccine that is given to children to fend off the Haemophilus influenza bacteria which they believe is the #1 bacterial cause of pneumonia in children.
  • Pneumonia caused by Streptococcus is the most common in adults, and the pneumococcal vaccine is given to lower the risk of developing streptococcus-related pneumonia.

There are two kinds of the vaccine:

  • Infant vaccine: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13). This is used in routine infant immunizations and with children at increased risk of developing pneumonia.
  • Adult vaccine: Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23). This goes by the brand name of Pneumovax. This vaccine is used for adults who are at higher risk. Another form of medical prevention includes a prescription for a drug called Synagis is sometimes used with children who are under 2 years old.

Natural Immunity The stronger a person’s immune system, the better their ability to fight off infection from the 100 strains of bacteria known to cause pneumonia, as well as the other microorganisms. No vaccine can protect you from 100 different strains!

If You are Susceptible to Pneumonia All humans will have one weak organ where they are susceptible. For some, it is the lungs and bronchial or the respiratory system. It is believed that people are regularly exposed to the agents that cause pneumonia, yet we do not all fall ill from it. This suggests that much depends on our own body’s ability to stay in balance and “function” at its best.

I personally have a bronchial and lung weakness that I have been working to “heal” for 15 years or more. I suffer with a chronic, productive cough that seems to have nothing to do with allergies, environment or any infection. I have never had pneumonia but my lungs are the “weak organ” in my body. I have used many different natural herbs, supplements specific to lung/bronchial health to help me maintain healthy lungs. I have address yeast and bacterial imbalances with little changes in my lung health but I have not gotten worse! Only in the last 6 months did I find something that has made a real difference for me, but I never give up trying….I was not born with a lung problem! I recommend that people refer to a naturopathic, herbalist or physician of choice if they feel necessary before trying some of the natural things I have done. Thing that I have done that may help others include:

  • Oil of Oregano- I purchased the highest quality of oil and I would drop a few drops in boiling water, remove the water and breathe in the moist air under a tent. It is a natural substance that is extracted from wild oregano plants, and two key compounds found in it are carvacrol and thymol. Studies have shown that both of these compounds have significant effects on harmful micro-organisms that cause many illnesses in humans. I did this as a preventive measure just in case I had a strong bacterial imbalance in my lungs. (Some things to note with oil of Oregano: It may reduce the body’s ability to absorb iron. Therefore, it is recommended that any regular use be combined with regular consumption of iron supplements. For this reason, women are advised not to take this oil during their pregnancy. Pregnant women should also avoid this oil since it can stimulate blood flow in the uterus, which can weaken the lining that surrounds the fetus in the womb. People that have allergies to thyme, basil, mint, or sage may be sensitive to Oil of Oregano as well, since they are in the same family of plants. If any skin irritation, rashes, or vomiting occurs when using it, it is recommended that you discontinue use and consult your doctor.
  • Olive Leaf extract- This is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral containing “Oleuropein.” This compound was determined to be part of the olive tree’s powerful disease resistant structure. It kills viruses by interfering with certain amino acid production processes. This interference prevents virus shedding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane. It also contains natural flavinoids (powerful antioxidants) and esters (known to assist healing) that create a structural complex that infectious microorganisms may not readily develop a resistance to. Biochemists have determined that the extract has multiple iridoids (found in plants and act as defensive compounds) and that the synergy of them working together is the reason for the wide spectrum effect on bacteria and viruses.
  • Anti-parasite cleanses- I did many different ones and believe that many lung problems can be the result of parasitic waste. There are parasites that live in the lungs and liver called flukes. I did colon cleanses, liver cleanses and tried many different cleanses to promote my natural immunity and health. Although I still feel that I have a “lung issue”, I know that I have seen improvements in my symptoms and my body is in a healthier state than years ago.
  • Pneumotrophen PMG made by Standard Process- For me, this was the most effective natural supplement I found after years of trying many different things! The company, Standard Process, has been around for a very long time and uses Protomorphogens called “cell determinants” from specific organs and glands. This extract is different than what is commonly referred to as “glandular” support. It appears that cell determinants can group to form cell-mediated growth factors thus, encouraging your own cells to strengthen. I noticed a 60% improvement in my lung function within 2 weeks of using Pneumotrophen PMG. I also use other products from this company for hormone balance and function. You cannot buy this product on the internet or in stores. Only trained physicians can sell them and only after a consultation/evaluation. To get these products, you must see a chiropractor so that he/she can determine which product is best for you. To find a chiropractor in your area, go to put in your zip code and they will help you locate a physician in your area or call, 800-558-8740 to speak to them.

There are many other natural treatments/remedies and herbs that I tried to improve my lung/bronchial function and each person is uniquely different. I would also encourage you to consult with a naturopathic physician or holistic medical doctor before turning to traditional medical treatment unless it is an emergency situation. Look at all your options and make informed decisions about your treatment plan. Drugs always have side-effects that can suppress the immune system and result in other problems. I do believe there is a place for medications; in extreme circumstances, they can save lives!

Vaccinated vs. Un-vaccinated

There are different kinds of vaccines for different kinds of pneumonia-causing agents. Studies widely indicate that overall, vaccination has greatly decreased the incidence of pneumonia, both in developed and developing countries but I personally do not trust the studies because they are most often supported and funded by those who profit off the vaccines. (See articles on specific vaccines) Vaccinations used against the bacteria Haemophilus influenza and streptococcus pneumoniae are used routinely in children, and are even given credit for reducing adult pneumonia, because often adults get the infection from children.

Should Pneumonia Be Prevented

Because there are so many strains of bacteria, and other microorganisms that cause pneumonia, it is unlikely that a person would develop long-term complete immunity by exposure. To imply that we can prevent a specific illness is to imply that we all know what we are exposed to before getting ill! We can never know what we are exposed to when we go to the grocery store, a church or local park or in a class room. Running scared from bacteria is like fighting the invisible man! The focus should be on overall health in the body….we shall all have infections throughout life! What determines our ability to fight off what we are exposed to? How well we function on every level!

What is the Key to Function

The key to all function is in the nervous system! The nervous system, made up of the brain, spinal cord and nerves, controls all function of every organ, tissue and cell in the body and is intricately connected to our immune function. Much like the electrical system in your house, if you have a problem with a “breaker”, the lights in the bedroom will not go on….fix the breaker and the lights will work again! The brain controls your stomach, heart, liver, lungs, etc…..if there is a interference in those lines of communication, the organs on the receiving end will function less…..that simple!

The chiropractor is the only physician fully trained to “adjust” your nervous system so that it can “function” for the best outcome. If you suffer with chronic lung infections, you could have a malfunction in the nerves going to your lungs. A gentle chiropractic adjustment could be your answer to healthier lung function!


  • Wikipedia
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  • US National Library of Medicine
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Deaths Per Year Currently

Estimates of deaths from pneumonia in the United States are 40,000-70,000 per year. The most recent data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 50,774 deaths in the United States. This equates to 16.5 deaths per every 100,000 people in the country. They also use these stats when referring to people who die from influenza so it can be very hard to really know. Another statistic suggests that 5% of the people who contract pneumonia die from it. Of the pneumonia cases that develop in to blood infection, 20% will die.
It is believed that there is a genetic indicator that causes men to be 30% more likely to die from pneumonia than women. Death rates in underdeveloped countries are higher as with all infectious illnesses. Lack of clean water, good nutrition and living in filthy crowded conditions with no sanitation will results in lack of health on all levels.
Deaths Per Year Historically
Statistically, the CDC claims that pre-vaccine, year 2000, pneumonia killed 30% of the people who became ill from it. It is difficult to really say who is dying from pneumonia because they track death from influenza and mix it with the death from pneumonia. While those numbers have greatly decreased in pneumonia, pneumonia was still the 8th leading cause of death in 2009 in the United States.
How Are Rates of Pneumonia Tracked and Determined
Most deaths from pneumonia re clumped in with death from influenza since most people who die from influenza, have pneumonia as well. Hospitals are required to report rates of pneumonia/influenza deaths through traditional surveillance systems set up. It is unfortunate that we really do not know how many people die from pneumonia, treatment of pneumonia or influenza or other hospital infections that are common.
How Are the Rates Wrong
It is very convenient for the hospitals to lump death from pneumonia with death from influenza because it is a way to exaggerate the true death rates. Most people hearing the statistics on the evening news fail to do any sufficient research on the topic and therefore, are left with the opinion that pneumonia and influenza are killing many people. It has been proven that these statistics are over exaggerated to help promote the vaccines and other medical treatments. There are new pneumococcal vaccines due to hit the market in 2013 which will be recommended for anyone over the age of 50. All of these new vaccines are the result of the “Adult Vaccine Act” signed by Congress in 1997, because they claim that adults, who got the childhood vaccines, are not adequately protected from the childhood illnesses after 15 years. We have created a problem: vaccinate every human with vaccines, that are not tested for long-term safety, most likely suppress the immune system and lead to other problems and that wear off in 5-10 years and then they all require further vaccines! Add to that “No Liability” and you have the perfect money-making industry!
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